jueves, 24 de julio de 2014

Orcinus Orca

In the past few decades animal captivity has become a great, profitable business. People all over the world daily visit zoos and aquariums to see the cute and sometimes exotic animals they keep there. But what they don¡t ask themselves the moment they're gushing at the cute little penguin by the window, is how being captive really affects these animals. They suffer in these conditions. Taken away from their natural environment, their family, their mothers. But animals are getting tired, frustrated, aggressive. They have soon started to attack and in some cases, even kill their trainers or care-takers. We saw this happen to Dawn Brancheau, senior orca trainer at SeaWorld Orlando. How much time, how much tragedies have to happen, so we can finally take action against this? 

I'm particularly interested on orca captivity, so if i had the opportunity to do a documentary, i would choose to do it about them. A little of how the live in the wild vs. in captivity, and i would want to question if and  why/how captivity is bad for them, why, and how it can be fixed/stopped. It would be a expository type of documental, to expose the ugly truth about the state of animals in captivity. My main goals would be to inform the public about this topic and persuade them to not only stay out of parks and facilities that keep captive animals, but to also take action and be against it. Raise a petition to close this places. 

The documentary itself would contain interviews to ex-trainers of different marine parks around the world about their point of view regarding captivity. It would also contain interviews to marine mammals experts in order to get more information about orcas and their behavior in the wild, (if) how captivity affects their health. Probably do some research on the topic, and visit some of most famous marine parks in the world, like SeaWorld, Loro Parque and Marineland to get footage of their facilities, the orcas, the shows. Testimonial from trainers who have been attacked on the past, why do they think it happened. It would be called Orcinus Orca. 

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