28 Weeks Later
28 Weeks Later is a post-apocalyptic sic-fi horror film that centers around the life of three main survivors 28 weeks after the outbreak of "Rage", a very zombie like virus, happens. We can tell it's a horror movie because it deals with a topic that is scary and unknown, it presents very uncommon situations, like for example the infected husband killing his wife, and in general is very gory and gross, being a zombie movie.
Mean Girls
Mean Girls is a totally different film. It's a comedy film about the life of a girl who just moved to a new country and faces the hazards of high school in the form of the Plastics. There definitively is some exaggeration of situations, very nice humor, misunderstandings between Cady and her friends, with her teachers, etc. It's a movie that someone could relate to.
Both movies are very different, and deal with totally different plots and complexity. Could they have anything in common?
After analyzing and comparing both of them, i have come to the conclusion they have little next to nothing similar. The only way we could say this movies are a tad similar is if we talk about the fact that both of them deal with life's situations and problems, but both of them at very different scales. (We're talking from high school girl problems to zombie apocalypse survivor problems).